IT Schedule 70 is the largest, most widely used acquisition vehicle in the federal government to purchase information technology products, services, and solutions. Schedule 70 is an IDIQ multiple award schedule, providing direct access to products, services, and solutions from certified industry partners.
Contract #:
Contract Expires:
May 2, 2021
SIN Codes:
132-8, 132-12, 132-32, 132-33, 132-34, 132-50, 132-51, 132-52
Contract #:
Contract Expires:
September 23, 2017
SIN Codes:
132-3, 132-8, 132-12, 132-32, 132-33, 132-34, 132-50, 132-51, 132-52
Software and Hardware Products for System and Application Lifecycle, Network Management and Connectivity and Network Security
30 days ARO
Spectrum offers the manufacturers’ standard commercial warranties for hardware and software products as itemized in the GSA Schedule Pricelist.
Hardware and software maintenance is available for products on this contract.
Commercial training courses for most software products are available on this contract.
Cooperative Purchasing Information for State & Local Gov’t:
The following companies are on Integrio’s GSA Schedule:
Beverly Dickerson
Director of Contracts
Jill Watts
Contracts Administrator
Additional Resources
Integrio GSA Contract Overview
Order Address:
Integrio Technologies
2355 Dulles Corner Blvd.
Suite 600
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703.961-1125
Fax: 703.961-1127
Payment Address:
Integrio Technologies
2355 Dulles Corner Blvd.
Suite 600
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703.961-1125
Fax: 703.961-1127
Company Information:
Business size: Small
CAGE Code: OH5P8
Terms: Net 30
Credit cards accepted: VISA, MasterCard and GSASmartPay®
Open market line items: Yes
Discounts: Call for Quantity Pricing